Tropical Retreat

There are a variety of programs based upon length of stay, gain an in-depth explanation on how energy, frequency and vibrations play a part of everything in your life and how it relates to everything you are and have the potential of being. 


Our 7-day progam stay goes in depth into energy, frequency, and vibrations.

The 14-day stay, explores diving into love, energy & time.

The 21-Day stay looks at transforming ones self to be the person you want to be.

Finally the 30-day stay is the total life changing experience, learn about the path and your dreams and continue following them.

Now for the first time ever, Mike has converted these programs into online courses so those restricted by travel, can still experience the greatness of working to be, the best version of themselves.



I've be very fortunate to have met Mike in 2015 and been the recipient of his life changing programs on a number of occasions. As an experienced martial artist, I was not only looking for ways to improve my skills, but what was driving my abilities and how to enhance them.

The first thing I learnt from Mike was using the right words to describe myself and what I was doing. There are so many elements to Mike's teachings that permeate into your body, mind and spirt, you have to pursue it for yourself.

Now finally after 5 years, I landed on his Island Retreat, where a different type of magic was experienced. Obviously this is the ultimate environment to access your personal journey with Mike. However, everyone can now experience his magic now, via his online programs. Do it for yourself!

Graham Slater (50+ year martial arts veteran)
Martial Arts Australia - Founder
International Martial Arts Coaching Council - Board Member



Introduction, orientation and clarification of what this program consist of. An in-depth explanation of how energy, frequency, and vibrations play a part of everything in your life and how it relates to everything you are and have the potential of being. Understanding your two greatest gifts; life and free will to choose. Learn how the simple act of daily gratitude and thanksgiving create and attract more blessing into your life. You are a natural creator and must appreciate the unlimited opportunities you have to create your life in total…every aspect of it. Also to accept the results, consequences and/or rewards and benefits of every choice and decision you make. The physical training aspect of the program will balance and harmonize the mind, body and spirit concepts of martial arts training, therefore a very complete, clear explanation of how these three aspects are intertwined, interwoven to allow you the very best results in the shortest amount of training time.



14 DAY

Understanding, realizing, and knowing at all levels how our secret formula of love, energy, time, and abundance affects every person on the planet, regardless of race, creed, political affiliation, age, gender, economic status, or social background. Health is wealth; both can be accomplished through intermittent fasting and juicing programs. Understanding the power of love. How to use the power of words, affirmations, and other expressions to attract the benefits and results you prefer. Learn keywords and phrases to rapidly enhance your mental and physical skills and abilities. Experience the power of focus and concentration, being able to isolate and control your body, and use the powers of intent and integrity to elevate your physical abilities instantly. Creating harmony and balance in all areas of your daily living.



21 DAY

Transforming the self. Feeling and seeing results; Greatly reducing, hatred, envy, jealousy, selfishness, and cynicism by creating love for all humanity. Learning the power of now and how it produces instantaneous results. How to bring your future goals and dreams into your everyday life. How to eliminate the processes called learning and the time to takes to learn. In your life. Realising fear is not your enemy but a friend. How to reduce the stress, anxiety, worry, doubt and frustrations that have become your habitual way of thinking, feeling and experiencing life. How to instantly transform fear, anger, and other limited thinking and negative choices by simply reminding yourself of who you are and where you come from.



30 day

Experience a major change in your life. You are the path, not on one. Realise your dreams, know who and what you are. Understanding the self; Being at one with ALL. Enjoy the feeling of having a tremendous weight lifted off your shoulders. A new sense of self, empowerment, freedom, and love for everything and everyone overtakes your conscious awareness. Experience the benefits of better relationships, more love, more energy, more time and greater abundance in all its forms flowing freely and natural into your life. This will be your experience of being one with everyone, sensing your connectedness and relationship to everything. Your creativity will be greatly enhanced. Your interest and abilities in sports, music, dance, art, poetry, will find its way for you to truly be free to express yourself in whatever way you wish to express it. It is your life and you are now in total control and make the best choices to allow you the best positive experiences you prefer.

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